I would just like to commend you on such a great website. (I found the link on Facebook.) Whilst I have not lost a family member in a road accident, a close friend of ours was severly injured in a vehicle accident. Watching his slow progression to recovery has been heartbreaking. I am a CFS volunteer with Road Accident Rescue trained Brigade south of Adelaide. I have frequently attended road accidents where people have been severely injured or killed over the past 16 years. The accident scenes, injuries, fatalities and grief stays with me from each and every accident I have attended - as I am sure it does for all emergency workers. It is of small comfort to me that friends and family members of people involved in road accidents have an avenue to gain support via this website. The links you provide to personal stories are touching and quite insightful to the trauma families go through - if only this message could reach more people! Once again well done – and thank you for supporting these families.
– Tanya Norman
Of all the projects I've worked on at Katalyst, Journey Beyond Road Trauma would have to be the one I'm most pleased with - both technically and in terms of the product itself. Despite the sadness shared by the members of the site, it's the very fact that they are sharing and supporting each other that makes a wonderful thing to be have been part of.
– Tom Tuddenham, Web developer
I want to thank you for establishing JBRT. If it was not for your site and The Compassionate Friends I do not know where or how I would be surviving.
– Louise Cashell, community member
I really want to thank you Sandra for going on ABC Radio yesterday and advising of your site. I have been trying to think of years on how to contact other people affected by the death of a loved one and how to play a tribute to my mother whose death was the most life changing moment in my life. I have wanted to try and get involved in trying to help other people affected and if one persons story can help and we can unite into many stories than maybe a forum like this can help in changing people's attitudes, making the justice systems recognise that penalties are inadequate as well as help people recover from grief.....to continue living and forgiving but never to forget... Thank You.
– Glen Hall, community member
As someone working in a charity that supports road victims, I can say this initiative is more valuable than you probably realise. Many victims become housebound, even for long periods, and impaired drivers victims are more prone to suicide for 5 years (FEVR survey). This network has potential to not only save lives on the road, but by reaching isolated people, also off. Kiwi road homicide victims don't qualify for any financial aid or counselling - so in MJs words; this is it. Well done Aussies.
– Rachael Ford Candor Trust (Wellington)
I congratulate you on this - yet another - concrete step towards fulfilling your dream. Despite your own pain and anguish, you have persisted with your aspiration to help others touched by road trauma. Your dream is no longer just a seed that you are endeavouring to plant in the minds and hearts of many, like me. May your seed grow into a might gum with roots that reach deep to provide support to those who need it; may its trunk broad and solid to mark an outstanding place for people to meet; and, branches that stretch long to shade those who need a place to seek solitude and comfort.
– Michael O'Connell, Commissioner for Victims' Rights
I need to say I feel a veil is lifting off me by being part of this wonderful site. To connect with others who really care and understand is a life-line.
– Maureen McKenzie, community member
This site not only helps me with my grief, it allows me to tell Nick's story and keep his memory alive, while hopefully assisting others with their grief. I would love to see the schools get behind it and use it as part of their Driver Education. Let the young drivers hear the real stories by real people before they go out on the roads.
– Glynis, community member
I think what you've done is amazing, and thank you for allowing people the opportunity to share their experiences and the burden of their grief.
– Gina, community member
The Journey Beyond Road Trauma website is wonderful complement to the activities of the Amy Gillett Foundation providing a place to provide direct tribute to Amy, a touch point for those affected directly and indirectly by serious cycling accidents and other individuals and organisations interested in road safety.
– Kayt Edwards, Amy Gillett Foundation
We as an organisation that deals with those effected by Crime, Violence and Road Trauma for the past 14 years see your project as a tool to bring services across Australia together and like your innovative ideas on improving those services.
– Ken Marslew, Enough is Enough
The opportunity for us to become involved with your project presents the possibility of us being able to host online support or counseling sessions, or facilitate people making contact with each other, particularly those in rural areas. These are just a couple of examples of the potential value to our clients of your project.
– Sharron Neeson, Paraquad SA
There is no doubt that support for the victims of road trauma is necessary. Your project is worth further development as a key tool in improving that support. In addition the concept is likely to be valuable as a resource in public road safety awareness activities both directly in the community and in various educational programs.
– Lauchlan McIntosh, Australasian College of Road Safety